Preparación: Se saca la carne del melón retirando las pepitas y se bate unos 2-3 minutos. Se echa el aceite y se bate un poco más para incorporar. Dependiendo de lo salado del jamón, se echa un poquito de sal o no. Se mete en la nevera a enfríar y listo para servir en una copa vistosa.
Preparación: Se saca la carne del melón retirando las pepitas y se bate unos 2-3 minutos. Se echa el aceite y se bate un poco más para incorporar. Dependiendo de lo salado del jamón, se echa un poquito de sal o no. Se mete en la nevera a enfríar y listo para servir en una copa vistosa.
Galletas de Queso
Hoy mi adorada hija Sol que nos va a cocinar unas delicadas Galletas de Queso. Muy fáciles de hacer, pero realmente deliciosas para acompañar una merienda, especialmente para los que son más amantes de lo salado que lo dulce.
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Preparación: se pone el aceite, el huevo y la sal en el vaso batidor. Se mete el brazo de la batidora al fondo y se empieza a batir cuando veamos que empieza a espesar se va subiendo la batidora poco a poco para que se mezcle bien todo el aceite. Se para de batir, se echa el zumo del limón y se bate un poco más para mezclar y lista.
Pollo Agridulce Estilo Cantonés.
Recetas de Cocina Astrológica. Cáncer y el Flan Casero con Dulce de Leche
Cáncer banca a muerte a los suyos, a lo que ha afectivizado, teniendo a los demás como elementos hostiles o peligrosos. Por ejemplo, en Argentina - que tiene su Sol en Cáncer -, los políticos exitosos son aquellos que logran mostrarse como líderes protectores que generan lazos afectivos con su pueblo. Un candidato con aspecto frío y severo, que nos proponga como meta fundamental el estricto cumplimiento de la ley, tendrá muchas posibilidades de ser elegido en países como Suiza, pero jamás sentiremos que posee el suficiente carisma para ser ungido como nuestro conductor. Recordemos además la enorme importancia que ha tenido y tiene figura del Caudillo en nuestra historia.
Para un canceriano llorar es lo más natural del mundo. Ahora, por una cuestión cultural, al hombre de cáncer le va a costar expresar en sociedad estos sentimientos, así que muchos de ellos se reprimirán y desarrollarán un sistema de defensa, tendiendo a ser muy introvertidos y hasta agresivos, sobre todo en la adolescencia. Los cancerianos son entonces muy emocionales, sensibles y susceptibles. Ojo como los tratamos nosotros los escorpianos!, porque es bastante fácil herir a nuestros hermanos de agua. Las cosas más difíciles hay que decírselas con mucho tacto, paciencia y ternura.
Mentalmente los cancerianos son muy memoriosos, porque la historia les da identidad y sensación de pertenencia. Así, ser historiador es una profesión bien canceriana. También encontramos en esta categoría a los novelistas, los pediatras, y los maestros jardineros. Hasta la mafia y las patotas son bien cancerianas, aunque obviamente estas expresiones se ubican en el nivel vibratorio más bajo de esta energía, que además en estos casos está imbuida de tintes Plutonianos. No sería difícil imaginar que un mafioso que comete cualquier tipo de delito, va a ser cubierto y apañado por los suyos, pero si osa traicionar "a la familia", automáticamente "queda afuera" y se convierte en un enemigo que merece la muerte. Recuerdo la escena de la película El Padrino, donde Vito Corleone que “con todo el dolor del mundo” ejecuta a su hermano mayor a causa de su traición. Y ahora que recuerdo la escena sucede dentro de una canoa flotando en la inmensidad del agua en un hermoso lago. Una imagen que simboliza estupendamente lo que en casos extremos puede hacer esta energía con aquello que ha dejado de pertenecer.
El arquetipo canceriano por excelencia es "La Madre". Aquella que cría, nutre y proteje. El color que le corresponde es el blanco, la piedra que se asocia a este signo es la esmaralda y el metal no podría ser otro más que la plata, por su correspondencia con la Luna. Anatómicamente rige al estómago y a los senos maternos. Y obviamente si hablamos de alimentos, es evidente que la leche materna y los huevos entran dentro de esta categoría. Así que les propongo utilizarlos como ingredientes fundamentales de nuestra receta astrológica, más el agregado de azúcar que está regido por Venus, un planeta que en Cáncer se encuentra en estado de exaltación.
Así que haremos un delicioso Flan Casero con Dulce de Leche ...
Flan Casero con Dulce de Leche
Si bien el flan es un alimento cuya elaboración se origina en el antiguo Imperio Romano, no hay dudas que con el agregado del dulce de leche, se ha convertido en un verdadero clásico de la Cocina Argentina y postre obligado en todos los menúes de los tradicionales bares de nuestro país.
Aquí les enseño la sencilla receta para disfrutar de esta maravilla...
Para el flan:
Huevos: ...................................................... 10 unidades
Leche: ....................................................... 750 ml.
Azúcar: ...................................................... 350 grs. ( aprox. dos tazas de té)
Extracto de vainilla: ...................................... 2 cucharadas de té.
Para el baño de caramelo:
Azúcar: ...................................................... 250 grs.
Dulce de Leche: ........................................... a gusto.
Preparación: Se pone al fuego la nata y se echa el chocolate partido para que se derrita y el azúcar invertido. Luego el puré de castañas y se bate el conjunto. Una vez hecho, se pican las castañas peladas en almibar y se mezclan con la masa, que se metera en la nevera un mínimo de 4 horas, tras lo cual se puede mantecar con la heladera o a mano en el congelador, sacándole cada poco más de 20 minutos y removiéndolo para que no cristalice, aunque se haya echado el azúcar invertido.
Hongos Gratinados
Preparación: Yo he aprovechado que tengo la panificadora para amasar, pero a mano se puede hacer perfectamente mezclándolo todo en un bol grande. He echado los sólidos, luego los líquidos y le he puesto el programa de amasar que es de 15 minutos, 2 veces. He sacado la masa de la cubeta, la he dejado bien tapada hasta que ha doblado su volumen. No dejo tiempo porque he ido al ritmo de la masa....cuando estaba la he cogido, la he desgasificado amasando un poco y le he dado forma. Ahora, el segundo levado. Me salieron ocho piezas y pegaditas porque el horno no me da más de ancho.
Affordable College Care Packages (smart business)
The perfect package basket would support a student for a long time and is known to be healthy if the right ingredient is picked. This basket would be able to support a new student who is trying to find feet around the school. It may not be easy for some of these students to be able to adjust to the food in the school cafeteria. This is what the food basket can help the student achieve with snacks and some healthy meals included in it.
The Benefits
I. Care package college students can be what these food baskets can be called that may contain a lot of items that you can decide.
II. Chocolate of various ranges can be seen in these packages that are made from a lot of recipes. This is what gives a student that feeling that home is still with them when they eat from these food baskets.
III. A student may not be able to get chocolate covered pretzels in school.
IV. However, with a package that have this as its menu content, a student can easily enjoy what he or she might have missed at home.
V. Cookies and tea may not lack from a student who enjoys tea like Chamomile, Earl Gray, English Breakfast and many other varieties can be gotten from these packs.
VI. A student would not fall sick if the right carepackages are gotten for that student.
VII. You can choose the right package when you take your time in browsing through the internet. The parents or guardians have nothing to worry about when they make use of these packages for their wards.
VIII. School becomes simple and less stressful when the right food basket is given to a student.
It is not only new students who would need these college carepackages, even old students have the need of these packages. There are so many varieties of these packages you would want to use if you are a student. The ordering of these packages can be done in the comfort of your dorm if it is possible for you. And for those who are coming from home, they can make their preference known before their parents can order for them. This would make it possible for them to have no challenge with the menu contents of the ordered packages. is the website that would provide you with the right package for your kids in school. There are so many types of these food baskets that it would be easier for you to select the type of care package you need. The cost is very affordable and the ordering is very effective and efficient. You get your package within hours you ordered and they work 24/7.
Ingredientes: 6 limones, 4-5 cucharadas soperas de sal gruesa y aceite de oliva. La receta pone 50 cl pero es mejor ir echando hasta cubrir.
Preparación: Se lavan y cepillan los limones. Se secan y se cortan en rodajas de 1/2 cm de grosor. Se disponen en un colador y se dejan escurrir durante una noche con un buen puñado de sal gruesa por encima. Pasada la noche, se escurren cuidadosamente y se colocan las rodajas en un tarro cubiertas con el aceite. Los limones deben quedar cubiertos por el aceite. Se deben conservar en un lugar fresco unas dos semanas antes de consumirlos.
Se pueden utilizar para múltiples guisos teniendo siempre limones listos para cualquier preparación. Después el aceite utilizado se puede utilizar para ensaladas.
Get Amazing Ideas For Ideal Cake Making
Get amazing Ideas for ideal Cake Making.
Cake making has been approximately since the start of time. Everyone has to create single at some occasion or at another occasion in their life. The process is surely a simple sufficient job. All you perform is to put the ingredients from a formula to all other and there you set out. This means, a result will extra than probable be prepared. It is said that, there are a small number of things that can set out incorrect and ruin your baking journey.
Anyone desires to ensure that the oven you are taking in the preparation of cake is accurate to its temperature. From time to time, the warmth level of the oven says one thing and then it turns away that it is not the ideal site to cook in the oven at that time. When this occurs, it is a first-class thought to spend to purchase a good oven of good thermometer.
Normally, it is acknowledged that the essential wipe is used for ornamental and cup cakes. The tendency recently is for the incentive mooches or the fruit and nut kind of cake for unique occasions. Cakes of Birthday are typically wiped, while the marriage dissimilarity is typically made of nut and fruit.
When making a cake, it is vital to remain to the unique recipe. If on the other hand, you have made the cake a million times and sense it require sprucing up, you could forever just put in one or two extra ingredients such as toffee or choc chips. The small extras just carry out the particular flavor of a fit made sponge.
Over and over again of times, you will discover that you have added the entire ingredients according to the formula of recipe and after that when you unlock the oven up to observe if it is cooked and ready to eat, the middle hub takes a immerse and it hollows away in the center. Should this take place to your making, it could be that there is also too much water in the sponge, or that the warmth level of the oven has been incorrect. Frequently, it does not attain the ideal warmth level and it is consequently sensible for you to obtain by hand an oven thermometer.
Formerly when you have determined that your creation is totally baked throughout it is time to eliminate it from the cover of oven. Get the cake away and let it calm cool down totally.
How Blenders Work? An Essential Kitchen Tool
Blenders have so numerous uses that it is a wonder we ever coped in the kitchen without them. Whether you would like to make a cool breakfast smoothie with fruit, oats and milk, prepare a tasty tomato soup, or even crush ice; a blender is an essential piece of kit. Numerous choices is available now.
There are numerous different kinds of blenders on the market today, and you will find a range of prices, sizes, shapes and colors to suit everyone's own unique needs. Blenders are additionally a handy piece of equipment to have in your kitchen if you are on a diet or prefer to live a healthier lifestyle, as you can control exactly what ingredients go in.
How the blender works:
1). The pitcher
The pitcher is the main part of the blender, and it is where you put your ingredients into. These pitches are generally not hard to clean and dishwasher love, getting their hygiene at a high level.
There is additionally a marker on the outside of the pitcher, which indicates what level it is apt to fill up to. Filling the blender up with too numerous ingredients can result in it not blending properly.
2). The lid
The lid is constantly designed with a seal in the center to avoid any of the contents of the blender escaping on to your kitchen cupboards and walls. When it is using at elevated speeds, then things can smoothly fly out if the lid is not properly fitted.
3). The base
The next piece of equipment is the base which you can plug into a socket for power. The motor is shown within the base and is the main component of how the blender works. The pitcher links to the base where the motor then powers the blades in the pitcher.
4). The blades
The blades can be really sharp, so be careful with your fingers. They are made of stainless steel and will effortlessly slice and crush a wide variety of foods.
You control how fast these blades operate by using the buttons or knob found on the base. The speeds most constantly found are low, medium and high. It is really significant that before turning the blender up to a high speed you check that the lid is firmly in place.
Things to stay in mind
As well as grasping how a blender works, it is additionally useful to stay these significant things in mind.
Firstly, it will purchase you in the long term to take proper care of your blender. Always wash the blender thoroughly to stay it as tidy as possible, and additionally chop fruit and vegetables up a little bit before adding them to make the blades job easier. This will add to the life span of the blades.
Additionally be wary of leaving the blender on for too long. The motor is not created to be used for long periods of time, as it will swiftly overheat and may even blow. The most ordinary blenders usually use a 450 watt motor, while the more upscale models will feature something a bit more powerful like 800 watts.
We want that this article has offered you a better understanding of how a blender works, and that this new knowledge will make your blending experiences safer and more productive.
There are so numerous different kinds of things that you can blend, and numerous recipes can be accessed on the Internet and special cookbooks. One thing is definitely for sure, by using your blender on a regular basis you will be preparing meals that are healthy and tasty, and have a positive impact on your life.
Discothèques Provide Perfect Late-Night Venues for Dancing and Drinking (Jhon Smith Ben)
One of the iconic features of a discoth?que is the powerful and very loud sound system. The PA systems used for dance music are usually controlled by a DJ, who also controls the volume. Many dancers believe the louder the music, the better the dancing, and DJs are happy to accommodate the customers. Music featured in any particular disco adheres strictly to a genre, such as drumstep, dubstep, garage, heavy metal, bassline, techno, house, trance, or other music genres. Other genres include soca, salsa, bouncy techno, drum and bass, and dancehall.
Another feature of most discoth?que venues is the laser light show that illuminates the dance floor and the dancers. Lighting systems include laser lights that are programmed to the music being played. The DJ can control the lights, to some extent, and highlight certain dancers or couples. Lighting isn't confined to the installed spotlights and laser lights. It is not unknown for dancers to wear clothing or costumes that include battery-powered lights. Others wear elaborate costumes that are bedecked with blacklight reactive tape or other adornment. These 'glow-in-the-dark' outfits immediately attract attention from other dancers.
Many times, discos have theme nights for their regular club-goers. These themes generally involve a dress code that is in keeping with the theme. Dress codes can be strictly enforced at discos, with many of the clubs banning attendees from wearing jeans or sneakers. Many others have a dress code that is "dress to impress," a rather vague description, but one that seems to be quite popular. Those who have dressed the best, in the eyes of the bouncers or doormen, will be allowed into the discoth?que. Others, who outfits don't quite qualify, may, at first, be refused admittance. Only the blatantly unobservant dressers will be kept out for the entire evening. Certain nightclubs may try to establish "fetish nights," with the dress code corresponding to the fetish.
A number of discoth?ques cater to a certain type of person. There are nightclub discos for gays or lesbians, or attendees of a certain ethnicity. Although other ethnicities are welcome, the predominant attendee may fall into one of these, or other, designations. Many discos are unofficially intended for people of a certain age; however, this is difficult to enforce, for fear of being discriminatory.
Historically, discoth?ques have been around for generations, with the first appearing in during World War II. Jazz and bebop music were outlawed and the popular jitterbug dance was banned. Young people started meeting in hidden basements, playing and dancing to jukeboxes or record players. This era saw the first use of the word "discoth?que." There were similar clubs frequented by youth called "swing kids." Throughout the decades after World War II, the face of the discoth?que changed. Many became infamous by descending into nothing more than a place to buy and use drugs. Dancing was secondary to the drug culture. Hedonistic practices were rampant, as well.
Today's discoth?que is usually monitored by private security people and doormen called bouncers. These security people are responsible for keeping the worst offenders and scofflaws from ruining the evening for the majority of guests. The bouncers and doormen are also responsible for determining who is allowed admittance to the nightclub. Many discos have guest lists. A person whose name is on the list can get into the disco for free or for a reduced rate. Those who are lucky enough to be on a guest list don't have to stand in a line, hoping to be chosen.Discoth?ques are popular venues for enjoying an evening with friends, dancing, drinking, and dressing to impress. Cosmopolitan cities are home to many of these clubs, which are enjoyed nearly every night of the week.
Que ricos que han quedado, pero las fotos las he tenido que hacer rapidito por dos motivos, el primero porque el bochorno que cae sin piedad en Barcelona es enemigo implacable de las cremas y redulces, y en segundo lugar porque mis hijos querían probarlos de inmediato.
Un dulce demasiado bueno todo hay que decirlo, lo mejor es prepararlo de vez en cuando porque calorias.... las que quieras y más. Pero me venía de gusto, y aqui están.
Recetas de Cocina Astrológica. Leo y el Dulce de Naranja.
Este año decidí seguir profundizando mis estudios de astrología. Esta oportunidad, de la mano de Patricia Kesselman, una gran astróloga argentina con enormes conocimientos basados en el meticuloso estudio de las fuentes originarias y antiguos textos clásicos de esta apasionante disciplina. Sus clases siempre van acompañadas de gran sapiencia, pero también de un enorme amor y entrega hacia sus alumnos. Al promediar su exposición, siempre hacemos un break para refrescar nuestras mentes. Allí nos invita a charlar de bueyes perdidos, en una generosa mesa plagada de diferentes tipos de té y las más variadas exquisiteses. Entre ellas, un dulce de naranjas que es un poema y que ella misma se encarga de hacer. Así que aprovechándome de su enorme corazón teñido de una hermosa luna en Leo, le pedí que me invite a su casa para que me enseñe a prepararlo y compartirlo con todos ustedes.
Se dice que esotéricamente los humanos encarnamos en Cáncer, el signo anterior. Una energía de Agua donde prevalece el sentido de pertenencia, los sentimientos y los afectos. Una energía que cierra y da forma, donde todo lo que es conocido es considerado bueno, mientras que lo extraño se torna hostil y una amenaza para la propia supervivencia. Bajo esta consciencia y desde hace millones de años, los humanos y sus antecesores se agruparon en grandes familias, tribus y luego en naciones que chocaron entre sí. ¿Acaso la historia no es más que un relato cronológico plagado de conflictos entre diferentes grupos de pertenencia, cada uno de los cuales se siente superior al otro, "el pueblo elegido", o devoto del único dios verdadero?. Así, desde tiempos inmemoriales, tanto hombres como mujeres pertenecieron en cuerpo y alma a la tribu. La mujer como el continente necesario para reproducir y nutrir a los miembros del clan, mientras que el hombre servía como un guerrero con la clara misión de proteger a los suyos. En tal sentido, el peor delito que podía cometer un hombre era desertar de su ejército y el peor castigo que podía recibir era el destierro, mucho más deshonroso y sufriente que la propia muerte.
Ahora, si bien este cambio de consciencia leonino ha traído grandes avances, es evidente que la humanidad recién está transitando las zonas más bajas de esta energía. Podría parangonarse con la conducta de un adolescente que de repente se da cuenta de su propia identidad y que intenta despegarse violentamente de sus padres y su familia, pensando sólo en explorar y vivir la vida sin atender a ningún tipo de límites. Así surge el desmedido culto a lo individual, el capitalismo salvaje, y luego de la revolución industrial, la depredación indiscriminada de recursos naturales, en principio en lugares lejanos a donde viven los explotadores.
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The perfect Venues Calgary and other Calgary buffet (china rose)
Why are Calgary so Beautiful?
Calgary gardens are some of the most beautiful gardens because of the care and expertise that switches into creating a garden making them not just beautiful but so they serve a purpose, as well. This care and expertise can either be learned so that you can even have a lovely garden or you are able to always choose to hire a specialist landscaping business that could help you get off on the proper foot.
Among the most popular Calgary gardens is Buffet Calgary. Just imagine... The elements is just right and you are surrounded by all your closest friends and family and you begin to check out the earthy pathways as you walk to take your place beside your groom. There's a wonderful aroma of flowers and the faint sound of water trickling into the different fish ponds. You merely couldn't wish for a more perfect wedding location then that where Devonian Gardens provides for you.
Chinese Buffet Calgary is among the largest and most used indoor gardens in Calgary and accordingly is among the more popular venues for weddings. If you should be enthusiastic about having your wedding here make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to make the reservations while they often refill pretty fast. Also know there are some additional wedding services which can be offered, such as for example rental services and clearing up after the marriage services.
You can choose from the next three venue choices.
The Venues Calgary: A small venue for a more intimate wedding and can accommodate up to 60 people.
The Chinese Buffet Calgary: A highly popular wedding choice since it hosts a variety of plant species in addition to many pools of fish and can accommodate up to 200 people.
The Buffet Calgary: A circular stage surrounded by flowers is quite the dramatic venue and can accommodate up to 100 people.
A Few Interesting Facts about the Venues Calgary
To be able to keep true to seasonal themes, Devonian Gardens changes out their plants about eighteen times each year! All ponds and pools require that more than 85,000 gallons of water are re-circulated to help keep them clean and beautiful. You can book a tour! In this way you can see all there is to see and learn all there is to understand about Calgary gardens so that you are fully aware of all that would be involved with planning your personal wedding day. There are other Calgary gardens venues available, such as for example Reader Rock Garden, Confederation Park, and Riley Park Calgary.
Chinarose is writer and he has written many articles for Chinese Buffet Calgary. To view online Buffet Calgary please visit at DE CEREZAS
A veces. también la hago con esta otra masa quebrada: 300 grs de harina, 100 grs de mantequilla, 2 huevos M, 1 cucharadita de sal, 4 cucharadas de azúcar y 1 sobre de azúcar avainillado. 1 huevo pequeño para pintar la masa.
La otra masa quebrada la hago en thermomix mezclando todos los ingredientes a V6 durante 15 segundos, dejando reposar en la nevera igual que la otra, pero se puede hacer amasando a mano.
Bars, Pubs, and Taverns Welcome Customers and Offer Alcoholic Drinks (Jhon Smith Ben)
Tables, chairs, and stools at high counters provide seating for customers. Couples or a single individual are welcome to sit at the bar to enjoy their drinks and the company of others seated nearby. Large groups can sit at a table or in a booth. Depending on the size and layout of the bar or pub, cocktail waitresses serve the drinks that the bartender has made. Occasionally, in a smaller tavern, the bartender does the serving.
Bar patrons may find themselves enjoying drinks in a myriad of surroundings. Dive bars, for instance, are usually frequented by local people who are only interested in getting an alcoholic beverage with their friends. Neighborhood bars may serve drinks to the same patrons nearly every night of the week. Other bars feature live music, along with the drinks. These bars frequently implement a cover charge or have a minimum drink purchase requirement. The cover charge is usually used to pay the live musicians; however, they gratefully accept tips, as well. Other pubs and taverns have DJs who play recorded music. Usually, a bar comes to be known for the type of music it plays. Some of these bars may have a small dance floor, but the focus of the business is serving alcoholic drinks. Cocktail lounges are frequently found in hotels and restaurants.
In many cities, laws are in place that prohibit minor children from entering an establishment that serves alcoholic drinks. Zoning and legal restrictions may state where these establishments can be located within a city or town. Some communities place restrictions on what type of alcohol can be served to patrons. For instance, wine bars can only serve wine and drinks that have an alcohol percentage not greater than wine. Many wine bars are quite elegant and most are quiet. Wine bars may offer a small tasting menu, with food selected to be paired with certain wines. Beer is served, almost exclusively, at beer pubs or small microbreweries. A person looking to have a drink made with vodka or Scotch would probably not go into a microbrewery for a drink. Many microbreweries and brewpubs serve food, as well.
Drinks have become very sophisticated, with cocktails coming in a wide variety of flavors. A cocktail is sometimes defined as an alcoholic spirit mixed with soda or fruit juice and served with fruit or herbs. Ingenious new concoctions arrive on the scene from time to time. Bartenders who experiment with flavors, mixers, and ingredients are now called mixologists. The techniques and recipes are known as mixology. In large urban areas, customers become familiar with what kinds of cocktails a certain mixologist or bar generally serves. For instance, martini bars are popular and the list of martini types is seemingly endless. Bartenders invent new combinations and offer them to their customers. The ones that taste good become popular; the drinks that don't are usually not seen again.
Drinks are not only varied, but so is the glassware in which they are served. For instance, fine red wines are ideally served in a balloon-shaped crystal glass. White wine glasses are more vertically shaped. Champagne flutes are designed to keep the bubbles in the glass until the wine is consumed. Martini glasses, highball glasses, pilsner glasses, beer steins, glasses specifically designed for ales or porters, and many others grace the back bars of nearly every establishment where drinks are sold.
Drinks have a long and colorful history. Some have been used for medicinal purposes. Others were invented in celebration of an important date or event. But the idea of going out for drinks remains a constant.
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